Sunday, May 22, 2016

It's over.

After 13 years of school, countless assignments, thousands of years, hundreds of sleepless nights, high school is coming to a close. It doesn't seem real to me. For 13 years I have basically been doing the same thing. Wake up early, go to school for six hours, come home, do homework, go to bed. Over and over and over. 
          This time next week, my schedule will be completely open and I don't know what I'll do. I still can't comprehend that by this Friday I'll have to say too many goodbyes. 
          I'll miss Lone Peak. It has taught me many lessons. The people that I have never even met I'll miss. Seeing the friendly faces in the hallways I'll miss. I'll miss all of the awesome teachers that I have had that have made me excited to come to school. Each of us will be going our separate ways going to different parts of the world doing something great. It's going to be hard for me to leave the peak but I am excited for what the future has in store.

Monday, May 16, 2016


I remember going to twenty one pilots and Brandon flowers in the same weekend.
I remember boating through pitch black caves in Kauai 
I remember the first time I hiked timp.
I remember when the Jazz used to make the playoffs.
I remember hanging my feet off the edge at angels landing.
I remember playing rugby at recess and Terrell breaking his collarbone.
I remember the first time I rode a bike and slammed into my dads parked mustang.
I remember playing tennis at sunset in the summer.
I remember when my nephew was born.