Sunday, March 13, 2016

Robotic Repetitions

He sat in his car wondering what happened to his old life. What happened? He has worked his whole life to get to this point, yet it seems to be a lot less than expected. Jammed in a cubicle, terribly lit by bright fluorescent lights. His life seemed to become colorless and dull with hardly any excitement. Every day was a robotic repetition.
 Wake up, grab a granola bar, get stuck in traffic for an hour, drag your things to work, sit down in your cubicle, punch thousands of words into your computer, get up, get stuck in traffic again on the way home.

 This repetition of dull acts can wear you down. No variety, no color. He thought to himself, this can't be what life is about. Humans are not wires and cables bunched together to excel in one task, no matter what popular culture thinks. There is so much more to life than robotic repetitions of dull tasks. You can focus on all that you have. Even if you feel like you have nothing and life isn't getting better, it will.